
Tiger in Focus: Musical

Are you someone who is drawn to music and finds peace and joy in musical experiences? Do you have a strong connection to the rhythms, melodies, and harmonies of the world? If so, you may have a big Musical Tiger. But what exactly does that mean, and how can you make sure that this part of yourself is being properly nourished?

First, let's define what we mean by Musical Intelligence. It's one of the Multiple Intelligences that make up our unique blend of abilities. At its core, a Musical Intelligence is a tendency to understand and appreciate music and sound, and the ability to recognize patterns and relationships in music. This can manifest in a variety of ways, from playing an instrument, singing, or composing music to appreciating music across cultures and genres.

It's important to note that having a prodigious Musical Intelligence doesn't mean you're constantly playing or listening to music. It's also not just about physical activities - it's about understanding and connecting to music in all areas of your life. Someone with a big Musical Intelligence might also be drawn to dance or appreciate the musical elements of other art forms like film or theater.

So, what happens if your Musical Tiger is a big one, but you're not feeding it enough? Without enough opportunities to connect to music, you may find yourself feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. On the other hand, if your Musical Intelligence is a small tiger and you overfeed it by constantly immersing yourself in music, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed and distracted.

Part of the process of attaining enduring well-being (in Sanskrit it’s called swastha) requires that you balance all of the intelligences in your life, including your Musical Intelligence. This means, in part, being mindful of how much connection to music is enough for you, and how much is too much.

One way to do this is by setting goals and challenges for yourself that feed your Musical Intelligence, but also take into account your other needs and responsibilities. For example, if you're drawn to music, you might set a goal to learn a new instrument or musical genre. But you could also challenge yourself to listen to music from different cultures, attend a live concert or music festival, or incorporate music into your self-care practices.

If you find that your Musical Tiger is on the smaller side, it's important to still find ways to nourish it in a balanced way. This may mean that you only need occasional exposure to music, such as listening to your favorite album once a week, or attending a concert or musical performance every few months. It's important to listen to your own needs and not overdo it, as too much exposure to music can lead to feeling overwhelmed and distracted.

Understanding and properly feeding your Musical Tiger is essential to living a fulfilling and well-rounded life. By taking the time to explore and harmonize this part of yourself, you can ensure that you're feeding your Musical Intelligence the right amount and in the right ways.

When it comes to understanding your Musical Intelligence, remember that it's just one piece of the puzzle. To fully thrive and find balance in all aspects of your life, it's important to consider and understand all of your tigers (your Multiple Intelligences and Multiple Natures).

Want to know more about your tigers and how to balance them better? Take the MNTEST or get in touch with an MN Practitioner who can provide you with personalized coaching to fit your precise needs.