The ability to tune into nature (e.g., plants, animals or wildlife), or natural life sciences (biological, chemical, physical, etc.).
People with strong Naturalistic Intelligence have an aptitude for connecting with nature, plants, animals, the environment, etc. They have a natural tendency to classify and discriminate among elements in a complex system, and have the ability to categorize and recognize individual examples as belonging to a group. They have an interest in nature and natural phenomena, and can map and chart relationships. They enjoy spending time in the lap of Mother Nature, among trees, plants, animals, birds, mountains and rivers and the sea. They are easily disturbed when people pollute the environment, as they greatly relish and appreciate the wonderful gifts nature has given the world.
People with strong Naturalistic Intelligence are inclined to:
Biologist; geneticist; veterinarian, farmer, rancher; lab sciences, naturalist; botanist.
Gardening, bird watching, body building, landscaping.