In the Multiple Natures framework and methodology, we look at 19 key traits--10 Multiple Intelligences (MIs) and 9 Multiple Natures (MNs). We measure each on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest expression of a quality and 1 being the lowest. We explain each of these traits as a particular type of potential.
The majority of individuals' profiles have a considerable amount of differentiation among their MIs and MNs--in other words, some are expressed highly, some a moderate amount, and some low. We can therefore explain that a person has higher potential where the strength of their MIs or MNs is higher. What that means in practical terms is that when an MI or MN is high, a person can learn skills based on that trait very quickly with only a little amount of energy expended. On the other hand, if another person has a lower level of potential in that particular trait, it would require more time and energy to attain the same level of development as the first person.
However, about 10-12% of the individuals, the MIs and MNs have very little differentiation and are of a similar level of expression. For instance, all MIs and MNs have values in the range of 5-7 out of 10. What this means is that the person has traits with a relatively equal level of potential. This profile can be defined by the term "multipotentiality".
People who exhibit multipotentiality may view their profile both positively or negatively. From the positive perspective, they will have the ability to do many different things well and will be able to adapt to all types of changes that take place in their world. They are often the last people to be fired (as specialists are usually let go first) and are seen as indispensable by their employers because they are able to rise to the occasion and handle all sorts of challenges that arise--especially in a world that is unpredictable.
On the flip side, multipotentialites struggle from the "Jack-of-all-trades" syndrome. They know that they are good at many things, but they often fail to demonstrate expertise in any one area. The questions that plague them are: "What am I good at?" or "What makes me special or unique?". They also have the challenge of being able to "feed all of their tigers". That is, if you view each MI and MN as a tiger that needs to eat (in this case eat work or tasks), they need to feed 19 tigers equally (unlike their heteropotentialite counterparts who might need to feed a few strong tigers). There are very few jobs that can fully feed all of a multipotentialite's tigers and as a result, such people can easily get bored of their jobs and wind up quitting. This can lead to a series of unfulfilled professional experiences over the course of their career or lifetime.
On this topic, MN creator and founder, Steven Rudolph, explains two things. The first is that a person should first determine precisely whether or not their profile is truly multipotential or not. For instance, people might display symptoms of multipotentiality feeling unfulfilled and skipping from job to job, when the actual cause of their dissatisfaction is that they are merely unaware of their underlying abilities and are unable to align them with their work.
The second is how a person with a genuine multipotentialite profile can do to be more aligned. This includes:
Another thing that Rudolph points out is that multipotentiality is not a binary state. There are degrees of multipotentiality--and even circumstances where people can have differentiated abilities in the intelligences, but have an evenness of strength across their Natures (or vice versa). But irrespective of the unique arrangement of your MIs and MNs, there are clear strategies that you can take that will enable you to fully engage and realize your potential.
To know more, contact an MN Practitioner to take the MNTEST and to get specialized guidance that addresses the challenges that you wish to address that will lead to your greater success in life.