Sometimes time and budget are a consideration. And add to that a need to work with many people simultaneously! So how can you reliably identify and align people's potential in such instances? The solution: MNTEST Group Edition.
MNTEST Group Edition is a version of the MNTEST Standard Edition that is ideal for professionals working with teams or groups. The test taking format has been modified to make working large numbers of people possible–both onsite and online.
Because comprehensive report details are not always essential when working with groups, we've also shortened the report format, which includes:
(Please note, for this version, career matches and extended explanations in the report are not provided.)
The procedure for Parts 1 and 2 of the test are the same as the ones in the MNTEST Standard Edition, however Parts 3 and 4 have been modified to enable the test to be implemented with multiple participants at the same time.
Part 1 (20 min): A 76-item online assessment
Part 2 (10 min): An online adaptive assessment
Part 3 (60 min): The MN Practitioner provides the client with a 4-page Primary MN Report, containing only their MN Profile (the scores of their 19 MIs and MNs) from the online test. A live, group assessment is then performed with an MN Practitioner that makes use of self-reflection through a guided discussion. The client is then required to upload their final adjusted scores with the use of an online form (using their mobile phones or a computer).
Part 4 (30 min): The MN Practitioner provides a Final MN Report (5-pages) with the Top 10 Matching Tasks, and Top 10 Matching Leisure activities. A personal explanation of the client’s scores and their significance is not included, however the MN Report is explained in general through group explanation.
Once the test is complete, an option is available to upgrade the client's Group Edition Report to the MNTEST Standard Edition . Upgrading allows you to access the matching career database and to edit all matching options (for tasks and leisure activities as well).